All posts tagged: being shy

5 Conversation Starters For Introverts: Networking and Meeting New People #DGIJ D20

I am an introvert. I love to have some solo time. I feel more refreshed and invigorated when I am working independently. I also really enjoy meeting new people. My previous years in retail have helped me to meet new people with ease without becoming nervous. I have 5 tried and true conversation starters that work really well in my experiences networking and meeting new people. How I introduce myself: When I am in a networking event, I will stay to avoid the perimeter of the room. I walk into the middle of the room and start to smile and scan for others who will likely be smiling and scanning for someone to talk to. When I make friendly eye contact with someone for a few seconds, I will walk up to them and introduce myself with a big smile. Hi my name is Bran, what’s your name? The new person shares their name and smiles. *Shaking hands….Now what. Use the 5 conversation starters below to easily and comfortably carry the conversation forward. 1. What …