All posts tagged: Excercise

Bee Pollen for Hair Growth?

  I have been a Bee Pollen believer for the last year and a half. I did several days of research to learn more about the different types of supplements available on the market and which ones were safe, and healthy. Generally I have noticed that everything in pill form is not actually made safe or completely what the label says it is supposed to be. Shopping healthy can be so confusing and overwhelming with all the marketing that goes into the “market it to sell no matter what” culture. I am starting to dig deeper into tips about what products deserve my family’s trust and how to quickly decipher that information with two little ones in a grocery store, health food store, vitamin shop etc. I will keep that information documented here as the information unfolds. Anyway, back to be pollen. I love Bee Pollen, in my experience it has provided me with energy and my immune system sings it’s praises, an additional effect has been a nice amount of healthy hair growth! My …